Retailers offer free delivery and special shopping hours to pensioners in SA
Local retailers are stepping it up and helping where they can with special deliveries and shopping hours for the elderly.

Following in the footsteps of other retailers around the world, the Eagle Canyon Superspar announced that they will be offering free delivery to all retirement villages and pensioners.
It is reported that a recent trend has seen a growing number of stores who are dedicating time or opening earlier for senior shoppers and other at-risk for the coronavirus (COVID-19) groups. Pick n Pay, for one, announced that it would be opening all of its supermarkets and hypermarkets an hour earlier every Wednesday for elderly customers to shop. The initiative sees the stores open exclusively for customers over the age of 65 years from 7:00 to 8:00.
Special shopping hours
“A special shopping hour for pensioners was a great suggestion by our online community and we very quickly worked with our stores to make this a reality,” said John Bradshaw of Pick n Pay in a statement.
“All our actions are focused on supporting the well-being of our customers. We know that the coronavirus is more of a threat to older people, and it is thus especially important that our older customers limit the number of times they are in busy spaces as much as possible. This dedicated shopping hour for our elderly customers will give them exclusive use of the store.”
Free deliveries
Now, the Eagle Canyon Superspar located in Randpark Ridge, Johannesburg is offering free delivery to their retirement villages and pensioners. In a statement they said:
“At Spar, we continuously strive to achieve the highest standards of quality in all areas, from our warm and dedicated service to all our products. With the objective of consistently meeting the individual needs of every customer in a caring and homely environment, from our warm and dedicated service to all our products.
“Slow down and enjoy life, it’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast, but you also miss the sense of where you are going and why at Eagle Canyon Superspar we understand the challenges our pensioners face and in light of this, we offer Free delivery to all our retirement villages and pensioners.”
To apply for the free delivery, email your order to eaglecanyon1@retail.spar.co.za.