SA group gives 120 000 meals to NHS and the vulnerable – but now they need our help
Forget that old saying: We’re firm believers that good deeds should be rewarded, not punished – and this SA-owned company has gone all out for the NHS.

It has been a bleak year for the food and catering industry. With hospitality sectors closed down across the world, many businesses have been unable to survive the economic devastation wreaked by the COVID-19 pandemic. But, in one corner of London, there is a beacon of hope that continues to shine brightly – and it’s proudly South African, too…
SA business Mustard Foods keeping hospital staff fed
James Durrant is the founder and commercial director of Mustard Foods. They produce a range of scrumptious delights for high-end restaurant groups in Britain. But with the food industry marooned in an extended period of uncertainty, the Cape Town-born entrepreneur has once again had to quickly adapt his business model.
Much like many citizens will be doing once the vaccine arrives, Durrant and his team have had to roll their sleeves up: In doing so, Mustard Foods became part of a wonderful cause that is keeping shattered NHS staff (and some of the more vulnerable inhabitants of the city) well-fed and sustained, as the coronavirus crisis escalates once more.
What is Critical NHS?
Mustard joined forces with Critical NHS. The group was founded as a community based non-profit organisation to support NHS frontline staff – and those most at risk of catching coronavirus – while also helping to sustain local businesses and restaurants as suppliers. Truly, a winning combination was formed…
Mustard Foods provide 1 200 meals per week to three major hospitals in South West London. Patients, nurses, and frontline medical workers are treated to restaurant-quality food as a reward for their indomitable spirit. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the group has sent out roughly 120 000 to all recipients.
However, Mustard is far from being pandemic-proof. Despite the South African outfit’s charitable deeds, their revenue has still dropped by 70%. Half of the workforce have lost their jobs, and business remains extremely slow for the time being:
“We’d normally have 30 people in this kitchen, where we are producing 24 hours a day, five days a week, for 32 restaurant groups. But now we have nothing planned for the rest of the week, apart from the NHS meals which will keep us going. And, frankly, without that, I would question where we might be at the moment.”
James Durrant
Mustard Foods: From the NHS frontline, to your kitchen table…
However, not all hope is lost for Durrant. Last March, an online shop was created, giving Brits stuck in lockdown the chance to order a world-class dining experience – and have it delivered to their doorstep. In a time of need, the Capetonian hopes people will show Mustard Foods the same generosity they’ve displayed themselves over the last 10 months.
- Critical NHS is now heading into a difficult period. The UK has entered another major lockdown, and the group is seeking additional funds to keep the initiative going. Those interested in supporting the scheme can donate here.