Pancakes with orange brandy sauce: Dessert with a kick
Learn how to make Crêpes Suzette without the getting burns. Try our baked pancakes with orange brandy sauce on those rainy days spent indoors.

The rainy season is on its way in South Africa and you know what rainy days are for, don’t you? It’s time to whip-up a batch of pancakes or crêpes. It’s a real South African favourite and is mostly served with a simple filling of cinnamon and sugar and maybe a squeeze of lemon. If you want to upgrade the experience and don’t want to risk making Crêpes Suzette, try our pancakes with orange brandy sauce to try with your family.
Pancakes with orange brandy sauce tips
We don’t want to make Crêpes Suzette because it can be tricky working with an open flame. However, you can fold these pancakes into quarters before stacking them, add the sauce and it will almost be the same. The sauce is sweet and rich with an air of brandy even though the alcohol burns off. Serve your pancakes and orange brandy sauce with whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream for that hot/cold contrast we enjoy so much.
Learn how to make Crêpes Suzette without the getting burns. Try our baked pancakes with orange brandy sauce on those rainy days spent indoors.
Do you want to make more restaurant quality dessert recipes to enjoy over the weekend with your friends and family? Have a look at our excellent recipe suggestions for you to try. There are many more old-school recipes like this one. They are published in the Potchefstroom Boys High School Tried and Tested Recipes of Parents and Friends.
If you would like to submit a recipe for publication, please complete our recipe form here.