Does installing fibre mean you can ditch your Telkom landline?
Modern technology, eh?

Fibre internet is slowly making its way to all corners of South Africa. It’s being solder as a faster, more reliable option compared to the ADSL services we’ve become used to.
But, it turns out, there’s even better news than being more connected. Fibre internet means you can finally phase out your Telkom landline.
We all know the drill. If you’re hooked up to ADSL, you have to go through the rigmarole of having a Telkom landline. And you pay for the rental of that landline every month – whether you use it or not.
Now, some of us do still prefer having a landline for whatever reason. The good news is that you can still have this option with fibre, it just works a little bit differently.
Fibre allows you to install a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone. This phone connects to the internet – which means cheaper international calls – but still allows you to have a landline number.
That’s all the good news. The bad news is that installing fibre can be quite pricey, depending which provider you go with.
What does it cost to install fibre internet in South Africa?
That really depends on your provider. Our shallow searches found everything from free installation with RSA Web, to up to almost R2000 with Afrihost. MWeb, meanwhile, offers a R500 discount on some installations.
Does my area have fibre coverage?
That you’ll have to check for yourself. Once you’ve had a look around at the options offered by various ISPs and you’ve found one that suits your pocket, you’ll have to check with them if fibre has arrived in your area yet.