Family life: At what age is it okay to have your first boyfriend?
“But Daddy, everyone has a boyfriend.” If you’ve heard your child say these words, this information is for you.
“Why am I the only one who can’t have a boyfriend?” Your 14-year-old stands in front of you with tears in her eyes. Fourteen just feels too young to start dating. The last thing on earth you want to do is turn your daughter into a rebel. But you also want your daughter to know you love and support her.
Feelings and fears are normal
As the father of a 12-year-old, who is watching his daughter growing up and experiencing the excitement of being a teenage girl, Samuel Moorcroft shares his feelings about his daughter and boyfriends.
“Every parent wants to raise their child to the best of their abilities. Every parent is scared of anything that might happen. I can’t help thinking ‘The faster they bloom the sooner they’ll doom’.”
A relationship between two people is special and I can’t say I believe any 14-year-old understands what it means to be in a relationship.
Don’t be too protective of her
“If your daughter finds the courage to come and talk to you about her feelings about a boy, it obviously means she’s uncertain and she trusts you to help her find clarity. If you only listen to the part of your brain that wants to protect your daughter at all costs, you will create the possibility of a block between you and your daughter. Because you love her and only want what’s best for her, I’d say take it step by step and walk her through the emotions she’s experiencing.”
Figure it out together
“My initial thought would be to figure out the reason why my daughter wants to be in a relationship. Is it only because she does not want to be the only single one in her group of friends? Is there some boy she really finds interesting and enjoys spending time with?”
Try to explain to her the dangers of unhealthy relationships and the importance of not giving your heart away too easily.
Accept her decision
“If your daughter ends up choosing to be in a relationship, accept it and take it from there. Allow her to socialise in groups by going to the movies or playing games. Give a clear message that you trust her and only want what’s best for her. Support her while she experiences this new stage in her life.”
Don’t turn the situation into one your daughter later wishes never happened. Have rules, but understand that she’s not familiar with the feeling of becoming a teen. Remember, that communication is key. The more open you are to hearing what she has to say, the more open she will be.
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