Evere wondered what those recurring dreams might mean? Have at it
We all get them, those dreams you just can’t seem to shake; but what do they ‘mean’?
Psychologist and media dream expert, Ian Wallace recently explained some of the most common dreams and what they mean, as reported by The Independent and Idealist 4 ever.
According to his website, ianwallacedreams.com, when we go to sleep every night, we create around five dream episodes. These episodes last up to 15 and 40 minute and in total we dream about two hours each night. Isn’t it chance that we all have dreams which are similar then? He explains:
“Dreams don’t just happen to you, you actually happen to your dreams. You create everything in your dreams. Every person you encounter, every place you go, every event you experience is generated by your unconscious self. By understanding why you create your unique dream content, you invariably achieve a profound understanding of who you really are, what you really need, and what you really believe.”
So, maybe it is a case of we all experience the same feelings in our lives. Here is what our most common dreams mean:
When you fall in your dreams
You know when you just drift off into sleep and it feels like your falling? Wallace described this dream as a situation where you are clinging to something too tightly in your life and you won’t let it go.
When you are chased by something in your dreams
We’ve all had this one. Either you are chased by dogs or cats or anything for that matter it can sometimes be exhausting and scary. This basically means you don’t want to confront a situation, or you don’t know how to confront the situation.
When you dream about your teeth falling out
According to Wallace teeth symbolises your confidence. So when you are dreaming your teeth are falling out, you might need a little confidence booster in your life to wake up from this nightmare.
When you stumble across unused rooms in your dreams
These dreams are maybe a little more literal but means you have a talent you don’t know about. That’s weird.
When you dream you are flying
If I have a nickel for every time I fly in my dream I would be rich! Flying symbolises being liberal and free in you life. Maybe you’ve had some successes in your life recently…that’s when you fly!
When you dream about your exam of tomorrow
Wallace says this can be attributed to critical self-analysis. You’ve been studying for days; it is natural to dream about the exam because you are probably stressed at the idea that you won’t succeed.
When you dream of being in and out of control of a vehicle
When you dream about being out of control of a vehicle it can mean that you are worried about your journey to success. It means you don’t have enough control over it and that worries you.
Dreaming you’re naked in public
This is not the nicest of dreams. When you dream you are naked in public it means you are vulnerable and exposed.
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