Somhale bombshell: Will Somizi have to give Mohale 50% of his estate?
Somizi seeked legal advice on whether he would need to give his estranged husband 50% of his estate when they get divorced. Take a look…

Media personality Somizi Mhlongo seeked legal advice over his estate amid his ongoing divorce from Mohale Motaung — on the first episode of the fifth season of his reality series which aired on Wednesday 4 May.
Somizi met with Hopewell Sathekge at Signature restaurant in Sandton to seek legal advice on his ongoing divorce. The pair tied the knot at their traditional wedding in September 2019 and held their white wedding in January 2020.
However, they decided to go their separate ways after Mohale accused Somizi of physically and psychologically abusing him in audio clips leaked by Sunday World in August 2021. Somizi revealed that he did not sign anything when he got married to Mohale.
“Okay where does this put me. (Because) one we didn’t sign,” asked the media personality.
So, you didn’t do an ANC (antenuptial contract) and you didn’t go to Home Affairs?” responded Sathekge.
“At the white wedding. Again, I will go back to you know, you know and I knew with the marriage there would be challenges naturally. But there are challenges where you can see that this is going to hell,” said Somizi.
“So, when they told us that the pastor didn’t bring the certificates I was like look at God!” he continued.
“Before you get a divorce you first have to prove that you’re married. So, most of the time hetrosexual couples would then have affidavits or a letter that records the lobola prize and all these sort of things,” said Sathekge.
Sathekge went on to say that Somgaga can only be divorced once it is proved that he was married.
ALSO READ: 50/50 divorce for Mohale? A look at Somizi’s net worth, assets [photos]
Does Somizi want to give Mohale 50% of his estate? No!
“Is he going to get anything from this? They usually say over my dead body but I’m not dying anytime soon so over this fabolous homosexual 97-year-old body. Zilch. Not even a toothpick,” he said.
He then asked if he would also have to share his debt with Mohale and Sathekge said yes, to which he replied “hallelujah!” explaining that he had so many. So, will the Idols SA judge be obligated to give Mohale 50% of his estate? Well Sathekge said that if it is proven that Somhale was married, then Mohale would be entitled to the 50%.
“If you are married, your estranged husband, we’ll call him that, is entitled to 50% of your estate by virtue of being married,” said Sathekge.
ALSO READ: A look inside Somizi and Mohale’s former marital home [photos]