Sizwe Dhlomo reacts to Mr Smeg shaming women who multi-date
Tweeps shame South African Tik Tok influencer for choosing to multi-date before settling down, prior to getting married.

Over the past week South Africa’s Twitter streets have been met with tons of discourse about relationships when a woman shared a Tik Tok video of herself talking about choosing to multi-date before pursuing a relationship with her now husband.
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In the now viral video Tik Tok influencer Zizi Moloko shares how she met the love of her life, her husband. Meeting her husband at varsity, Zizi notes that before exclusively starting a relationship with him, they first started out as friends. She then continues to tell fans that during the five years of their friendship, her husband who was clearly interested in her took her out on dates, despite not being interested in him.
After experiencing countless of failed relationships Zizi finally gave her now husband a chance, but wait not so fast, Zizi also reiterates her firm belief in multi-dating until your person of interest exclusively asks you to be their partner.
While many women have shared the same sentiments as Zizi, there are a lot of men are not impressed with Zizi’s notion on dating. (Ironic isn’t it?)
Some men have even taken to twitter to brand women who multi-date as being too promiscuous.
Now if you’re aware then you know that this narrative is extremely flawed and irresponsible especially when men are the only ones that are given the agency to explore dating without being judged, ridiculed, bullied or called out of their names.
Multi-dating is really not that difficult to understand. To multi-date means to casually date or speak to or pursue alternative relationships with more than one person at a time. This process is not always physical or sexual and is dependent on your preferences. Multi-dating can also assist with the vetting process, choosing who you would like to pursue an exclusive relationship with.
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After going viral many have given their two cents on the video. Infamous influencer Mr Smeg criticized Zizi’s husband for being a “simp”.
He said: “Imagine waiting in line for 5 years for a girl who is multi-dating other guys. booking flights and buying expensive gifts and still get friend zoned. It can never be me, NOSKE NDIFE! That guy deserves an award for best Simp of the Decade”.
To which Sizwe jokingly replied: “Didn’t you date a kettle? Lol!”.
Coming to Zizi’s offence many women and some men have pointed out how contradictory men are.
“I want girls to preach multi-dating until the end of time. I get tickled when men are hacked”, one tweep shared.
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