6 BIG changes proposed for SA schools – including a new timetable
A proposal has been made to the Department of Basic Education to change SA’s school system to make up for lost time during the Covid-19.

New research by Stellenbosch University shows that the Department of Basic Education needs to urgently consider making changes to South Africa’s school system to make up for teaching time lost during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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The research made to the Department of Basic Education also indicates that a lot of learners in South African schools missed at least three-quarters of a school year throughout 2020 and 2021, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, school closures, and rotational timetables according to businesstech.co.za
The publication also reports that learners have fallen 40% to 70% of a school year behind earlier cohorts in language and a further 95% to 106% of a school year – in mathematics.
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The six proposed changes made the Stellenbosch University to South Africa’s school system include extra time, timetables, teaching assistants, trimming, benchmark tests, less homework, and other cutbacks.
Extra time
- Extra time is required for Mathematics and languages in all grades to catch up on the year lost as these are gateway subjects that form the basis for learning in all other subjects.
- This also means the time allocated for other subjects should be reduced or non-core subjects suspended to free up time for language and mathematics.
- Schools need to be supported in maintaining regular school days and normal timetables as they return from the disruptions of the past two years.
- Shorter days (for the foundation phase or on Fridays) should not be permitted and careful regulation of school days during examination times must be undertaken.
- This is to ensure that terms run their full course and a maximum number of school days are utilized
- The research also reveals that the district and circuit managers have a crucial role to play.
Less homework and other cutbacks
- Teachers must be supported in making use of the existing resources and making sure learners have the opportunity to take reading material home.
- The overfull curriculum and homework tasks in other subjects should be reduced to give more attention to Mathematics and Language.
Benchmark tests
- The diagnostic assessments of learners’ should be done by individual teachers and the government could assist teachers by providing quality benchmark assessments and assistance to teachers in interpreting the results of these tests.
Teaching assistants
- A teaching assistant’s role should be to work through the previous year’s DBE Rainbow workbook with individual learners.
- This will give struggling learners one-on-one instructional and effective support.
- The Department of Basic Education needs to attend to the trimming of the curriculum as a matter of urgency as certain learning areas/topics should be omitted or consolidated or delayed.
- The focus should be on mastering skills and concepts that are necessary for progression in learning in grades.
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