8 Struggles only people who have lived with Cape Town’s South Easter will understand
It’s summer in Cape Town and that means the Cape Doctor is here. How is this even summer? Isn’t wind supposed to happen in winter?

Lying in bed and thinking your roof might blow off
You’ve known this wind for years, but you swear it gets worse every year. Is that the roof going? Seriously, it’s rattling a little louder than usual, it must be going.
Putting your washing on the line…
…and coming back to find washing everywhere but on the line. Not even quadruple pegging is going to stop your knickers from landing up in your neighbour’s backyard.
Dress to the face
Why did you even think that it was a good idea to wear a dress?
Never needing to bother doing your hair
Seriously, why bother? Not even super-strength hair gel is gonna hold that shit.
Sitting in Woodstock aka Windstock all like…
You’re sure it blows worse here than anywhere else.
When you’re doing the Argus and realise the wind will be blowing on the day
Thinking it’s safe to go outside, but then…
The gusts will get you. Every. Single. Time.
When people who aren’t from Cape Town try to talk to you about wind
They don’t know the struggle.