23 Things you’ll regret when you’re older
Get out there now and save yourself a world of regret later… trust us.

There’s a saying: “Growing old beats the alternative – dying young” – which is true, but with age also comes regrets and it always comes too late. Therefore start living today…otherwise you’ll regret some of the following things when you’re old:
- Not taking risks
Many old people regret not taking risks – a leap of faith and even if you don’t succeed at least you tried, right?
2. Not spending enough time with loved ones
Appreciate your loved ones, always. This might become your biggest regret when you’re old.
3. Never learning to play a musical instrument
This isn’t for everyone, but if you want to learn how to play a musical instrument, just do it.
4. Not travelling enough
For the love of travelling! Do this when you have the chance, before you know it, you’ll have a family, responsibilities or whatever keeping you away from all of the wondrous adventures waiting for you while travelling.
5. Not using enough sunscreen
If you protect your skin against the sun when you’re younger, you’ll spare yourself some wrinkles, moles or even skin cancer.
7. Not going to that concert when you had the chance and doing something like this:
8. Not making a habit of working out
It’s hard to make a habit out of this when you’re old. And then you’ll have to live with your beer belly forever.
9. Not quitting that horrible job
Why punish yourself. If you’re stuck in a horrible job, get out.
10. Not studying harder in school
When you look back you’ll ask yourself “why didn’t I study harder on those exams?” Grades play an important role in where you end up in life.
11. Not saying “I love you” when you had the chance
Take the leap even if they don’t say it back. You’ll be glad about it when you’re old.
12. Being too self-absorbed
Nobody likes people who think the sun shines out of heir assholes. You’ll be embarrassed about it, for sure.
13. Caring too much about what other people think
Screw them. This is your life, not theirs and frankly, who cares?
14. Not moving on with your life after something happened
We all have life defining moments, whether it is quitting that awful job or whatever the case may be – move on and don’t dwell too much. We only have so much time to truly live.
15. Holding unnecessary grudges
Especially against the ones you love.
16. Neglecting your teeth
This one will bite in the ass if you don’t look after your teeth. Nobody wants dentures.
17. Not standing up for yourself
Old people don’t take sh*t from anyone – neither should you, even if you lose some friends along the way.
18. Worrying too much
“Worrying is like sitting on a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere”. Wise words.
19. Never learning some awesome party trick
Be the life of the party when you have the chance !
20. Being so afraid
Why be afraid? What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, that’s all you need to know.
21. Not playing enough with your kids
Before you know it they will be all grown up and out of the house.
22. Never stopping to ‘smell the roses’
Appreciate life and stop to smell the roses once in a while.
23. Being afraid of losing because you know what:
Here’s to a life with…