BookTok has taken the book world by storm. Image via Twitter: @BetterknowYou

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#BookTok craze leads to record sales and bestselling authors

#BookTok craze: Here is the lowdown on the literary TikTok genre called BookTok and how it is reshaping the reading world.

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09-02-22 12:59
BookTok has taken the book world by storm. Image via Twitter: @BetterknowYou

The popular social media app TikTok seems to have taken over our world. We cannot go far without hearing about a TikTok trend, seeing a popular dance move/ challenge or even a viral recipe (remember Dalgona coffee?).

The app, which was launched in 2017, allows users to upload short videos to their followers. The TikTok community has already had a huge influence on fashion, music and culture and shows no signs of tapering off soon.

What is BookTok?

One genre of TikTok which has had a huge influence on the reading world is #BookTok. This hashtag has had over 35.8 billion views and continues to expand.

Booktok is a place on the internet where all types of readers “meet” and where one can see book recommendations, book reviews, as well as relaxing and aesthetic videos about reading.


Many businesses and shops have had to close down as a result of lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic, but most bookshops have been keeping afloat — and have even seen record sales as a direct result of BookTok.

The influence of the book community on TikTok have infiltrated bookshops so much so that most bookshops now have a “BookTok Made Me Buy It” or a “BookTok Recommendations” section.


Bookshops aren’t the only ones who have seen growing success on BookTok; authors have also seen their books fly off shelves thanks to BookTok.

Colleen Hoover’s books have been a firm favourite under the young bookish community on BookTok. Her romance novel It Ends With Us was the second best-selling Adult Fiction book and sixth best-selling book overall in 2021.

Although there is ample talk and excitement about newer books on BookTok, it also celebrates “older” books.

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller was first published in 2012, but thanks to BookTok sold 650 000 copies in 2021 and became the fourth best-selling Adult Fiction book.


Because BookTok, and even TikTok as a whole, can be overwhelming to newcomers, these top BookTokkers will without a doubt inspire you to pick up some new titles they feature on their accounts:

1. @amyjordanj

2. @lexiexdeligente

3. @portable_magic

4. @tianareads