The laugh king: Five fast facts about funnyman Alfred Ntombela
Surely the best laugh that South Africa has ever heard?

Born on 3 April 1972, Alfred Ntombela is actually quite a bit older than many people think. Known as “the guy with the laugh” from the Leon Schuster films, Ntombela has made himself recognisable to almost every South African in the country.
With so many wonderful moments on screen, we thought we would take a look at five of our favourite real-life Alfred Ntombela facts.
A truly tragic childhood
Mtombela has been very open about his childhood and how much sadness he had to overcome to bring in the joy.
After his mom left his father while pregnant, she abandoned baby Alfred just a few weeks into his life. A family member then took him in and raised him as her own.
“My real dad died when I was three years old, so I never had the chance to get to know him. Only years later did I discover that he had other wives and I have stepbrothers,” Ntombela told PEOPLE magazine.”
His birth was never officially registered so starting “big school” at his size was a challenge. The teachers attempted to refuse him access on the first day because he was “too young”.
“Shorty” had all the answers
“I am small but I am old enough to come to school’. They’d drill me with question after question but I had an answer for every one!”
Before Leon
Ntombela was so passionate about acting that he used to knock on the door of late actor Ken Gampu. Gampu lived a few blocks from Ntombela’s childhood home so getting the courage to tell him about his acting dreams was easy.
Gampu said he would see what he could do and Ntombela eventually ended up on a kids program called Ikhaya Labantwana. The show became a hit in the early 80s and ran for five years.
A unimpressed Schuster audition
The chemistry and friendship between Schuster and Ntombela spanned multiple movies and decades, but how did it all begin?
Gampu heard rumours that Mr Schucks was looking for an exciting young child star. Other actors were either too young too read the script or just weren’t clicking.
Ntombela showed up and read the script. His performance didn’t impress Schuster who put the script aside. Then, this happened. We can picture it so clearly.
“At the end of our meeting, Leon cracked a joke and I just burst out laughing. Leon screamed ‘yes’ – and his eyes lit up like a firework. I got the job.”
By the way, Ntombela fondly describes his laugh as “a gift from God”.
Two wonderful children
Ntombela has two children – a teenage son who lives with his mom and daughter who is just 7-years-old. With the childhood he had now long behind him, Ntombela has often spoken about how he strives to give his kids the life he didn’t have.
“Through them, I feel like I’m having my childhood over.”
Leon once pushed him too far
Speaking to MTV in 2017, Ntombela told the rather grim story where Schuster without a doubt took a joke too far.
On a day where Schuster and Ntombela were alone on the 22nd floor of a Durban building, Schucks opened the window and peered down. He started telling Ntombela about how terrible life was when things only got worse.
“He put his foot through the open window, then another foot. I pulled him in. He said; ‘leave me alone, I want to die’. He exited the room but left the window open. Suddenly, he returned to the room to make a run for the window again.”
Schuster ran up to the window and stopped a second before. He turned around and delivered his usual “you’ve been schucksed!” line.
“I felt so small. I just left the room and couldn’t speak to him. I locked myself in my room and just slept. It was so bad.”
Things were soon repaired between the pair. Shorty describes Schuster as like a “father” to him after all.