Reminder: SARS income tax return deadline is TODAY
A reminder that if you’re one of the 925 000 taxpayers who has put it off, the SARS income tax return deadline is TODAY.

For anyone who is yet to submit, the SARS income tax return deadline is today. That’s correct, Monday 23 October 2023, and the revenue service recently put a statement saying as many as 925 000 tax returns were still outstanding. So, best you get cracking!

The revenue service is quick to remind South African taxpayers that if they do not submit in time, they will face costly penalties. Smart About Money, claims SARS imposed R4.26 billion in late penalties in 2022.
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If you received an auto-assessment notice, your SARS income tax return deadline is today, too. You should also note that just because you received an auto-assessment, that doesn’t mean your tax return is automatically filed. You must still check and update your income tax return accordingly on SARS eFiling.

Today’s deadline is for individual taxpayers only. So, who qualifies as a provisional taxpayer? According to TaxTim: “A provisional taxpayers is someone who earns income other than a salary/remuneration on which no income tax has been deducted.”
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They will need to declare their total estimate taxable income on a provisional tax return (IRP6) and pay the applicable tax thereon. Provisional taxpayers have until 24 January 2024 to submit their returns.

SARS reports that more than 5 million taxpayers have filed returns, either personally or through auto assessment. Approximately 925 000 South African taxpayers must still submit their tax returns before the end of today. The revenue service says its digital platforms are well-prepared for last-minute filing.
ALSO READ: Good news: You can track your tax return status HERE
If you are not registered as a South African taxpayer but are earning an income, you should be worried. Because you are not exempt from paying tax and SARS is tracking down such cases with the help of third-party data.

Since last year, SARS has been able to auto register more than 215 000 individuals for income tax. Based off their third-party data on taxable income, hundreds of the thousands of South Africans been auto registered by SARS. They would have received an SMS and a welcome letter alerting them to being registered SARS taxpayers.
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What do you think of SARS income tax return deadline is today? Have you submitted yours and are you aware of the importance of income tax to the country? Be sure to share your thoughts with our audience in the comments section below. And don’t forget to follow us @TheSANews on X and The South African on Facebook for the latest updates.
Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. For help with your tax return seek counsel from a tax specialist.