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Philippa Cross

Philippa Cross is a South African born model and actress. She is blonde and tall and skinny. Oh wait… That’s that other girl from Benoni. You can read her diary at crossedwire.wordpress.com.

Why I hate Valentine’s Day

By Philippa Cross 14-02-16 04:00

The sickly pink colour that sticks to everything like bubblegum reminds me of girls with perfect handwriting who dotted their i-s with cute little hearts in the Valentine’s Day notes they wrote when they were at school.

Bad boys, bad boys, what ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when they come for you?

By Philippa Cross 17-01-16 06:10

It’s frightening. Because the more we shout: We’re not racist! The more evident it becomes that it really doesn’t matter whether we are or are not racist. Who will judge the judges? No-one’s going to look into our past and see whether we have lived as people free of racism and treated all people with respect. If any South African gets in the way of those on the warpath, it won’t matter whether they have the record of Mother Theresa herself, they will be rounded up and shot by the figurative firing squad anyway.

The 5 Stages of Laundry – part 3

By Philippa Cross 25-11-15 05:14

In this fascinating three part series we have examined the increasingly common psychological journey, as outlined by the framework of the 5 Stages of Laundry. By now you should be confident to identify the stages in yourself and others, and be able to offer practical advice to those who may be suffering through it.

The 5 Stages of Laundry – part 2

By Philippa Cross 21-11-15 05:15

One of the lesser discussed adjustment processes that South Africans who immigrate to Australia undertake is the 5 Stages of Laundry. In this three part series, we take a detailed look at this increasingly common psychological journey. We outline the 5 stages and how to identify them in yourself and others, and offer practical advice […]

The 5 Stages of Laundry – part 1

By Philippa Cross 19-11-15 04:33

One of the lesser discussed adjustment processes that South Africans who immigrate to Australia undertake is the 5 Stages of Laundry. In this three part series, we take a detailed look at this increasingly common psychological journey. We outline the 5 stages and how to identify them in yourself and others, and offer practical advice to those who may be suffering through it. In this, the first of our three part series, we look at stage 1: The Horror, and Stage 2: Social Media Support.

Is it really too soon to panic?

By Philippa Cross 13-11-15 09:08

Have you decided where your personal line in the sand is? When does the scale tip for you? When is the devil you don’t know better than the devil you do? What is the moment when panic is justified? But most scarily of all, what are we going to do when we decide it really is time to panic?

Culture shock down under

By Philippa Cross 05-11-15 05:26

It is often assumed that the societies of Australia and South Africa are similar. South Africans underestimate the culture shock they experience when moving.

Privilege is like Herpes

By Philippa Cross 31-10-15 02:56

Having recovered from my initial horror and outrage at having the colour of my skin compared to a virus that needs open discussion and treatment, I was able to give the article some critical thought.

Would you like to help a child in Aaahfricaa?

By Philippa Cross 19-11-13 06:23

What is it with the first world and wanting to fix all the problems on the African continent? It’s was not the first, nor, I imagine, will it be the last time in Australia that I’ll be asked whether I want to contribute to a charity that helps “Africans”.

The Truth about the Tropics

By Philippa Cross 14-11-13 08:06

Forget The Homecoming Revolution, or Brand South Africa, or even meaningful political change. There may be a simpler and cheaper way to stop the brain drain: Just tell the truth about life in Australia.

Tips and suggestions for the disabled gardener

By Philippa Cross 23-10-13 07:51

Crossedwire | My first attempt at gardening in Gladstone saw me empty handed and red faced as I left the only nursery in the village. The staff almost certainly thought I was a crazy con-woman who had stolen a credit card and decided to stock up on gardening supplies. I certainly looked and sounded the part. Arm strapped up in a sling, trying to spend $2,000,00 on garden tools and soil in a country where no one gardens (for good reason, I discovered later on.).

Crossedwire | For the birds

By Philippa Cross 23-10-13 04:01

In a moment of irony, my very first dustbin day in Australia was the same as all my rubbish days at home. It involved me picking up my rubbish from the street and putting it in new bags.

Crossedwire | Mother of the year

By Philippa Cross 15-10-13 03:55

Hi. I’m Pippa and I used to make my four year old son help me catch out poor, desperate, sad, unemployed people who were only trying to recycle my trash to eke out enough money to feed their families.

Do you name all your possessions then Luv?

By Philippa Cross 04-10-13 01:52

The consensus remains that while life in Australia is not easier, nor better than life in South Africa, it is most definitely safer. Living in Australia has many challenges, but frequent violent crime is not one of them. At times, as a South African living in Australia, I again feel like I’ve immigrated to Mars, especially where crime is involved.