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Frank Burbage

Frank Burbage is a journalist and writer from south London. He has previously written for the Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement and the Independent. Having received a BA in English Literature from Sussex University, he then traveled in eastern Europe and India before completing an MA/MSc in Digital Journalism at Goldsmiths.

Pistorius trial – Anguished Oscar tells of Reeva’s tragic last moments

By Frank Burbage 08-04-14 22:40

Just as Oscar Pistorius’s testimony re-started today, his ex-girlfriend Samantha Taylor – who testified against him in March – tweeted: “Last lies you get to tell. You better make it worth your while.” She claimed he shot a gun through a car’s sunroof but today he denied the incident ever happened. Pistorius said fear drove him to shoot through the toilet door that night and sobbed hysterically as he described cradling a dying Reeva Steenkamp.

The top 10 Barry Roux parodies

By Frank Burbage 27-03-14 10:41

A murder trial may be a serious subject but the quirkier moments of the Oscar Pistorius court case have nonetheless resulted in some inspired satire. We bring you ten of the best parodies about defence laywer Barry Roux.