Death Stranding PC version release date confirmed for 2020
After years of development, we finally have a release date for Hideo Kojima’s new blockbuster PlayStation 4 game, ‘Death Stranding.’ Here’s what you can expect. Sort of.

You might have heard about Hideo Kojima’s new blockbuster game, Death Stranding. It’s a new type of action game where the goal is for the player to reconnect with isolated cities in a fragmented society.
PC gamers, rejoice! Award-winning game creator Hideo Kojima confirmed the news on Twitter on 28 October. He shared cover art from Death Stranding, with the caption:
“Thanks to all of you who have been supporting Death Stranding. […] KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS is happy to announce that DEATH STRANDING will be coming to PC in early summer of 2020!!”
The PC version will be published by 505 Games, the same team which brought us Control. Console gamers, are you excited yet? Death Stranding’s PS4 release is on 8 November 2019!
Update 1 October 2019: You may have noticed the new Limited Edition Death Stranding PS4 Pro and the awesome DualShock controller that goes with it.
While it’s one of the best looking, albeit creepy, controllers out there, Sony and Kojima will be taking it one step further. Kojima confirmed that the Death Stranding Baby (known as BB) will be communicating through the controller.
Say what? Ok sure, babies sound cute and all that, but this is no ordinary baby we’re talking about. I can already see how a baby giggle at 2 am in the dark is going to scare me into another blood group.
Whether BB’s voice will come through the regular DualShock controllers remain to be seen. Kojima made it sound as though BB will only be tied to the Limited Edition controller.
Update 26 September 2019: Great news for those waiting in anticipation for 8 November when Death Stranding will finally be available: You won’t need an active PS Plus subscription to enjoy the game’s multi-player features.
Recent gameplay revealed the Strand system, which allows players to see the ripple effects of others on their world. These strands could include finding the items they leave behind, or how they helped other players.
In essence, the Strand system connects you to other players and will be accessible to anyone who owns the game, without the need for purchasing a PS Plus subscription.
Furthermore, Hideo Kojima confirmed that Death Stranding’s release won’t be delayed because the game is “officially finished.” Just 46 more days! Are you excited yet?
Update 12 September 2019: Hideo Kojima released the new trailer – a 49-minute masterpiece – on the first day of the Tokyo Game Show in Japan.
The trailer features Norman Reedus from the Walking Dead fame as the protagonist Sam. We see Sam in some form of facility, accessing terminals to speak to a hologram of another character.
We then see Sam creating what looks like a network over sections of American to deliver supplies and keep the baby safe. You’ll also see other players’ ladders and will be able to create signs for other players to see.
Unfortunately most of the commentary is in Japanese, but of course it doesn’t distract from the sheer visual brilliance in store once Death Stranding releases on 8 November. Enjoy!
Watch: New Death Stranding trailer
Update 11 September 2019: Tokyo Game Show 2019 (TGS 2019) is kicking off on Thursday 12 September, and Hideo Kojima confirmed that we can expect a new trailer.
He shared a teaser image on Twitter and added that the trailer will be a whopping 49 minutes long. It will be the longest uninterrupted look at Death Stranding since the game was announced earlier this year.
We are almost certain that the trailer will only leave us with more questions than answers, but we are excited nevertheless. Check this space, we’ll share the trailer as soon as it goes live.
Update 20 August 2019
Gather ’round, folks. Gamescom kicked off in Germany, and Hideo Kojima was the first to share new information about Death Stranding at Geoff Keighley’s Open Night Live Show. And what a ride it was.
From invisible breastfeeding to metal wombs and Norman Reedus’ weaponised bodily fluids. In fact, we have more questions now than ever before.
There are ‘explosive babies’ and ‘stillmothers’ and unborn infants who have to be returned to their metal wombs to reset or recharge every so often. These babies were referred to by Guillermo del Toro’s character as ‘just equipment.’
One of the scenes showed Norman Reedus emptying his bladder, but his weaponised body fluids causes glowing mushrooms to grow. Yeah, we’ve got nothing… Here’s a new video of the gameplay instead.
Update 16 August 2019
Isn’t Kojima just the best? Death Stranding is not set to be released for another three months (84 days to be exact, not that I’m counting or anything…) but we keep getting glimpses of what to expect via his Twitter feed.
This time around, he shared crisp-colour images showing beautiful scenery and weather shots. Based on what we’ve seen so far, this is going to be a beautiful game, as far as visuals are concerned.
Image via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Screengrab via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Image via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Screengrab via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo
Update 6 August 2019
The Game Awards producer Geoff Keighley announced that Hideo Kojima will be live in Cologne during Gamescom’s opening night “to premiere an exclusive new look at Death Stranding.”
The event is set to kick of on 19 August at 20:00 South African time. Fear not, we will drop a link to the live stream here, and keep our ear to the ground for the most important updates. Have you pre-ordered your copy yet?
Update 29 July 2019
Kojima Productions and Sony released a new Death Stranding trailer, giving us a two-minute glimpse in Heartman’s character (portrayed by Nicolas Winding Refn).
Heartman is named as such because the character’s heart stops every 21 minutes. He is thrust into the world of the dead for three minutes before being brought back to life by an automated external defibrillator.
We learn that this happens to him about 60 times a day in a continuous cycle. It’s just one of the intriguing aspects we can look forward to when Death Stranding finally releases in November.
Please note, the video may be inappropriate for some users.
Update 25 July 2019
Kojima took to the stage at the San Diego Comic Con last week. Much to the delight of his fans, the topic of his ‘bromance’ with Mads Mikkelsen was discussed.
Kojima said that Keanu Reeves was recommended to appear in the game, but he specifically wanted Mikkelsen. Their ‘bromance’ is well documented on social media, especially on Kojima’s personal Twitter account.
As for his reason making Death Stranding, Kojima explained that he ultimately wants to make a game that upends traditional design. He added:
“When I first started my new company, I started from scratch and was alone. This game is based on how you connect.”
In other news, Unilad reports that Kojima was stopped as U.S. Customs with a Death Stranding baby pod in his possession.
We would love to know how he explained his reason for carrying around a fake baby in a jar…
Update: 6 July 2019
Kojima sure knows how to keep us intrigued by leaving clues of the upcoming blockbuster game, Death Stranding. Through the latest full-colour scraps, we get a view of the settings we’ll explore in the PS4 exclusive.
Sam Bridges’ hyper-technological suit can be personalised to our heart’s content. In addition, the equipment will play a decisive role in the game’s economy.
Image via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Screengrab via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Image via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo
Kojima didn’t share much else in terms of what we could expect. He merely stated that these images were taken “while on a break.”
Update: 27 June 2019 – Kojima shares new images
Legendary game designer Hideo Kojima shared photos on Twitter, showing Death Stranding’s Sam (portrayed by The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus) sporting new pieces of equipment.
We get to see the different backpack and equipment combinations.
It’s clear that we will have flexibility when it comes to equipping Sam.
Remember to pre-order, Death Stranding will be released on 4 November 2019. Yay!
Image via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Photo via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Image via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo Photo via Twitter: @Kojima_Hideo
Death Stranding – first look
The trailer was initially released during 2016, and with an updated version shown at E3 2018. But Kojima also released a surprise trailer ahead of the E3 2019. And yes, we now have the release date for the PS4 exclusive.
It’s a big deal. Death Stranding will be the first work by Hideo Kojima since departing from Konami four years ago. Hideo Kojima is also known for creating the acclaimed Metal Gear Solid.
Plot and gameplay
So Norman Reedus, Daryl from The Walking Dead, plays a character called Sam Porter Bridges. Sam is kind of like a delivery man. It’s all a big mystery, but he is part of the Corpse Disposal Team 6.
They retrieve dead bodies, try to steer clear of invisible foes who leave footprints similar in appearance to a human’s handprint, while also avoiding the floating spectral figures connected to the sky by ‘strands.’

Also read – E3 2019: Ubisoft plays into streaming trend at video game event
His story seems to be set in some type of post-apocalyptic world; ruins, an oily beach, and desolation as far as the eye can see. It sounds confusing, right? It took Kojima three hours to explain the plot to his team…
One popular theory doing the rounds is that the characters in the game are literally characters in a video game, and they know it. They understand that their lives are impacted by the way we, the gamers, choose to play the game.

- Norman Reedus portrays Sam
- Guillermo Del Torro portrays a government agent
- Hannibal star Mads Mikkelsen is a soldier dressed in a WWII uniform
- Léa Seydoux was cast as a character that helps Sam.
- Other A-list celebs include Troy Baker, Emily O’Brien, and Stefanie Joosten.
Release date
You don’t have to wait very much longer. Death Stranding will be coming to a PlayStation 4 near you on 8 November 2019. That is of course if you remember to pre-order.

There are still a few things we don’t know about Death Stranding. For example, you’ll see babies in the trailers below. We still don’t quite know for sure what’s up with that.
Kojima cryptically said that the baby “relates to game mechanics as well as the story as a whole.” Okay? Also, why is the baby shown in Norman Reedus’ oesophagus? I thought it was the birth canal at first, but apparently not.

So many questions! And then there’s the time manipulation elements and that thingy called the “time fall.” Notice what happens to Reedus’ hands when the raindrops fall on his hand?
Apparently, raindrops from another dimension can age the characters and other living organisms rapidly. The trailer also shows scenes from different eras. So, time travel? But heck, I’m not sure about anything anymore.
Please note, these trailers are not suitable for younger viewers.