Five reasons South Africans should consider investing in a USA franchise
Taking socio-political issues completely out of the equation and focusing purely on logic driven decisions, there are several very strong reasons that South Africans should consider the USA as a great investment opportunity.
Why choose the USA?
The USA remains one of the major economies of the world with a robustness that allows the USA to survive economic storms which would be fatal to most other economies. The USA embraces entrepreneurs and rewards risk takers like no other country in the world.
Anyone responsible for creating jobs is respected and can expect co-operation from virtually all governmental authorities towards those job-creating objectives. Oftentimes financial support is offered for companies creating jobs in areas that the government has identified as in need of job creation.
Every state has a well-funded structure to support on-the-job training, re-training for new career opportunities and support for military veterans upon reintegration into the workforce. Significant incentives are available for R&D. Collaboration between universities, the general scientific community and commerce are encouraged.
Every government department, division or agency has an extensive online presence with the accessibility of detailed information usually only a few clicks of a mouse away.
Other than investing in publicly traded stocks of American companies, which is an entirely passive investment over which an investor has zero influence, a franchise presents several advantages to a South African considering investing in the USA.
What is Fast Track to the USA?
A well-selected franchise will offer the investor a significantly lower risk, often with exceptional returns relative to the amount of money invested. Fast Track to the USA, a company owned by a South African for South Africans, specializes in the process of Defining, Identifying and Implementing the franchise investment opportunity in the USA.
Seminar information
Fast Track executives will be in South Africa from the 5 October to 18 October holding two seminars. One-on-one appointments will be available as well.
Johannesburg seminar: 6 October with one-on-one meetings until 12th October.
Cape Town seminar: 13 October with one-on-one meetings until 18th October.
Go to www.fasttracktousa.com to register for the seminar and download your free report 5 compelling reasons South Africans should consider investing in a USA franchise.