What is the average cost of a bribe in South Africa?
Almost half of respondents believe that it’s not possible to get through a day in South Africa without paying a bribe…

Every year, the Ethics Institute in association with Massmart has publishes an annual South African Citizens’ Bribery Survey.
The aim of the survey is to better understand the bribery challenges that ordinary South Africans face on a daily basis.
“Over the years, during the course of our ethics training sessions, we have observed a strong narrative regarding the influence that leaders have on the ethical environment, and specifically the fact that people look to leaders to role model desirable behaviour,” the report said.
“In the context of bribery and corruption, we therefore wanted to find out whether people truly care about the commitment that leaders show to combating corruption, and also which leaders they see as showing the strongest commitment.”
The report takes a look at bribes across a number of different areas – including traffic fines and tenders.
The survey is conducted through face-to-face interviews across South Africa. The sample represented people from five of South Africa’s nine provinces, mostly in major urban centres around the country.
Every year, the findings are pretty grim and 2017’s version is no different.
The survey found that 37% of respondents know someone who was has been asked for a bribe in the past year, up four precent from 2016. This wile 35% of respondents said no paying a bribe.
What are the most common bribes paid by South Africans?
- avoid traffic offences (39%);
- to obtain a driver’s licence (18%);
- to secure a job (14%);
- to receive a public service (8%);
- and to avoid police or criminal charges (7%).
Yikes – having to pay a bribe to receive public service? Bribes for tenders made up six percent of all bribes. The survey also looks at the average cost of a bribe. They are listed as such.
Average bribe cost in South Africa
For tenders – R82 282
Traffic offences – R205
All bribes – R1550
On tender bribes, the report warns that it a general citizens’ survey, and the picture may have been very different had it only interviewed business people.
While these numbers are enough to make your head spin, more than half of the respondents (51%) indicated that it is possible to get through everyday life in South Africa without paying a bribe.
“While this is positive, it is quite disturbing that the other half either believe it is not possible (42%) or they have their doubts (7%),” said the report.
“It is also of concern that the percentage of people who feel that they cannot get through life without paying a bribe is on the increase,” it said.