Change your coffee… change your life!
There’s a new coffee on the market infused with an ancient Chinese health remedy. It tastes good and genuinely makes you feel better.
The majority of us love our daily coffee. We love our brew, but mostly coffee is coffee and we wouldn’t consider drinking anything else. Recently though, there has been much excitement in the coffee and health industry. Organo Gold has introduced to the market a range of coffee and tea products which are revolutionising the industry by infusing their beverages with the 4200-year-old Chinese herb, Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as ‘The King of Herbs.’ Do these brews taste good? Better than good; they taste fantastic!
Dr Bob Rakowski, a leading clinical nutritionist has this to say, “It’s easy to see why the Chinese labelled Ganoderma ‘the King of Herbs’. It alkalises the body, increases oxygen delivery, facilitates detoxification, controls inflammation and enhances immune function. If you consider those five major factors, there’s really no-one walking around who can’t benefit from it in some way.”
There can be a tendency in the alternative health world to make the assumption that if it has been around for a long time, it must work! We would prefer you try a box and feel the difference for yourself. Choose from Café Latte, Black Coffee, Mocha, Hot Chocolate, Green Tea, Red Tea and Black Tea. They come in boxes containing sachets which allow you to have your favourite cuppa anywhere without hunting for a coffee shop. All you need is hot water!
How can you get this revolutionary, great tasting tea and coffee? Go to: www.coffeeofclass.com and order online or call your Organo Gold Independent Distributor on 0800 689 1034.