Government announces new contracts for thousands of school assistants
The current phase of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) in the Basic Education sector, created work for 280 000 assistants

The Department of Basic Education has announced that the third phase of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) in the Basic Education sector will
commence from 1 April 2022. The second phase, which began on 1 November 2021 and is scheduled to end on 31 March, has been providing work to approximately 280 000 people who were appointed assistants across South African schools.
“To ensure continuity, maintain stability and sustained impact in schools, the youth appointed in schools as at 28 February 2022 will be offered new fixed-term contracts commencing on 1 April 2022 until 30 August 2022,” said department spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga.
The Department of Basic Education says since schools have returned to full capacity, it had to consider the number of assistants that schools can accommodate and the budgetary requirements as well as the value added by assistants in schools. The department says some of the candidates will not be progressing to the next phase of the initiative because they do not meet the requirements to remain.
“It is worth noting that some of the youth who were initially part of the cohort in Phase I and II have since found employment elsewhere; registered for further studies or left the programme to pursue other opportunities. The PYEI has, in this regard, fulfilled one of its mandates, that being the creation of pathways to further opportunities and success for the youth”
The Department of Basic Education’s spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga
The department has urged all schools to submit the names of the assistants who meet the requirements to go on to phase III.
“The youth remaining in the programme will be given an opportunity to use the skills they have acquired through the training already provided to them in Phase II, to
support teaching and learning in our schools,” Mhlanga added.
With the first term of the school year coming to an end in March, provincial education departments have been urged to urgently communicate to schools on the termination of Phase II contracts and the commencement of Phase III contracts for Assistants.