Full-scale bomb scare exercise in George
What was initially thought to be a false bomb scare turned out to be a planned exercise in collaboration with emergency services.

The response of the emergency services in George was tested with a full-scale bomb scare exercise on Friday.
What was initially thought to be a false bomb scare turned out to be a planned exercise in collaboration with the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Metro EMS Services.
According to the George municipal liaison officer Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe, it was intended to assess the evacuation procedure and emergency services response towards such an event.
“The exercise was a success, according to the George Disaster Management, and lessons learned during the exercise will be implemented in the updating of the emergency response plan for the Municipality and emergency services,” Mangqwengqwe.
He also thanked the municipal personnel for their cooperation and all role-players that were involved in this exercise.
Bomb threats are most commonly received via phone but are also made in person, via email, written notes, or other means.
Every bomb threat is unique and should be handled in the context of the facility or environment in which it occurs.
Facility supervisors and law enforcement will be in the best position to determine the threat’s credibility. Follow these procedures:
- Remain calm.
- Notify authorities immediately:
- Notify your facility supervisor, such as a manager, operator, or administrator, or follow your facility’s standard operating procedure
- Call your local law enforcement if no facility supervisor is available.
- Refer to the DHS Bomb Threat Checklist for guidance, if available.
- For threats made via phone:
- Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Be polite and show interest to keep them talking.
- DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does.
- If possible, signal or pass a note to other staff to listen and help notify authorities.
- Write down as much information as possible—caller ID number, the exact wording of threat, type of voice or behavior, etc.—that will aid investigators.
- Record the call, if possible.
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